Perfect World VR (34) - Escort

[Mission title: Escort.]

[Mission Details: The supply ship, The Mammoth, is on a delivery run in the Great Arvada Canyon to supply allies stationed at the canyon's southern pass. Beyond the pass is valuable information that is being guarded and your allies stationed there are low on resources.]

[Main Mission: Protect the Mammoth and ensure it makes its delivery.]

[Note: The Canyon has been abandoned for quite some time and is thus home to a few hostile Kaiju. They may come at you from any and every corner. Be vigilant!!]

[Good luck players.]

A quick read was enough to make out what was required of them. It was a straightforward mission. Protect the Mammoth until it reached its destination.

Unfortunately, they were well aware that there was never a test that was so straightforward. They could only take things in stride and hope for the best.

"They have us going up against Kaiju this time around. That would be fun." Sandra commented. "Your definition of fun might need some adjustments."

Elena took a deep breath and sighed, garnering everyone's attention. "This time around we aren't faced with taking down multiple targets but such missions which entail protecting a moving target that is incapable of protecting most times turn out to be a pain in the ass."

"I agree. The worst part is when the one you are meant to be protecting listens to your orders. Those are the worst." She glanced over at Jeremiah with a raised brow. "What?... I played Perfect World Civil whenever I had the time back at home."

"…In any case, I believe we should allocate positions before we begin…" There was movement. "What's going on?" Tanya asked in turn.

Nathan and Leah got up simultaneously. "Come with me." They rushed out of the meeting room and over to the control station, Elena and the others following closely behind.

Once they got to their destination, they quickly got to figure out what had happened, but before they had a chance to do so, they realized a new problem had sprung up.

"So what's wrong?... Why is the Mammoth moving without you guys piloting it?" At this point, the others had arrived, Elena at the forefront. "Uhmm…" Nathan first glanced at Leah to read her facial expression before continuing his speech.

"We don't know why." Elena frowned. "Huh, you don't know why?... Then check and find out. Isn't that your job?" Jeremy rudely said, a few others shooting him a disapproving glare.

"Nate, what's going on?" His expression revealed his thoughts as he pondered on the right words to explain their current situation. "Okay, you guys shouldn't freak out but Leah and I…. We can't log into the system."

"Wait what?... Why?"

"I have no idea. Someone or something applied a firewall while we were in the meeting room and now we can't access the system which also means we no longer have any controls over what the Mammoth can or cannot do."

This was a new development, one that no one expected. The devs had gone ahead to do something weird. "No one here would knowingly do something like this… It doesn't help us. Then the only addition to this segment of the game would be…"

There was only one plausible culprit. "Pixie!!" Elena called out as she needed confirmation. A moment later and the image of a Pixie doll appeared before them. [How may I assist you?... Herald Blake.]

It spoke with a sweet voice, reminiscent of a six-year-old but at that moment, it sounded annoying to everyone present. "I already have an inkling as to what is going on... I just need confirmation. Are you the one that did this?"

[Did what?] "Don't play with me Pixie, just answer the question."

[I am a Smart AI, I do not play or make fun of humans. My only designation is to put the mission first, above all things.]

Her tone completely changed, taking on a more sinister vibe. All fighter class immediately put up their guard. "… Hah, fine then. The Mammoth is currently moving. Is that you doing?"

[Yes.] Her answer was so simple yet carried implications for everyone. "Why?" Elena was at a loss. [Your mission is to protect the Mammoth. Mine is to ensure it keeps on moving, no matter what stands in the way. I must deliver resources to those who need them.]

"And you don't see how that decision is detrimental to all of us?" [I do not get to choose my path. I only follow what I have been programmed to do.]

Elena closed her eyes and sighed wistfully. Arguing with an AI would be the dumbest thing that anyone could do.

"Fine then, I understand. You were programmed to do this but you can't tell me that you were also programmed to lock our technicians out of the system."

[That was merely a precaution. I do not wish to have my orders disturbed all because of their involvement. I would rather take full charge and perform my task effectively.]

"You still can't log us out regardless." For the first time, Leah spoke up and she wasn't happy about the recent development.

[I am only doing what I believe is the best according to my calculations. I would appreciate it if you do not question that. Also, I would inform you that any attempt to try and hack the system would be seen as an act of hostility and necessary action would be taken.]

"What do you mean by necessary action?" Elena asked, a sense of foreboding creeping up her spine. [Extermination.] Pixie replied in the meanest voice possible and then the image was gone, signaling the end of their conversation.

"This is crazy. Why would the devs give us such a self-absorbed AI to be our pilot? Thunder would have been an excellent choice." Gary felt exasperated, same as several others amongst their squad.

This was an unnatural development that most could tell would be detrimental. If the Mammoth kept on moving, then they would have no chance to rest nor would they have the option of a tactical retreat. This was a new type of overkill and no one was having it.

"Elena. What now?" Indra asked, voicing out what was on the mind of many others. "… Nathan, I have a question." "Yeah... What is it?"

"With Pixie in charge of piloting, how efficient would the Mammoth be?" "Very efficient actually. But you heard her, she is only thinking about completing the mission and not the danger that comes with it. We would suffer losses if we leave her in charge."

"I understand. Leah, could you crack the firewall Pixie placed on the system?" "Huh… But you heard what she said… she would exterminate anyone that tried that." Leah was genuinely scared of the frightening AI known as Pixie. Its character and name were not the best match.

"I know what she said. I just need to know if you can breach the firewall." Leah felt a bit skeptical but after a glance at Nathan and the gesture she got from him, she steeled her nerves somewhat. "I guess so. It is slightly better than the Eastern Crawler security. I'd need a few extra seconds to get through."

"Good. That's all I need to know. For now, we will allow Pixie to handle the steering of the Mammoth. Everyone head to the weapon's vault and have your equipment on the ready, we will have to plan as we work."

"Aye, Herald." They quickly left, leaving Elena with Nathan and Leah still in the control room. "I need you two to remain here for the time being. Keep track of what Pixie is doing. If her actions end up being detrimental… I believe you know what to do. I'm counting on you."

"Don't worry. Just leave this to us." "Alright then." With all said and done, she headed out as well.

"Do you think we would be able to handle Pixie if she went ahead with her threat to exterminate us?" Leah asked. "The Mammoth isn't an offense-type ship, to begin with. She would have to install new software to have such firepower and once we notice any sign of that, we can always hijack her controls." Nathan chose to be optimistic. Things were not that bad… At least, not yet.