Perfect World VR (44) - Escort

/Five minutes prior/

They all had complicated looks on their faces as they heard the sound wave. It meant that in a few minutes, Tanya would be eliminated. It was a difficult pill to swallow.

Elena was the most affected as she sat in a corner, completely silent while pondering on her thoughts. At that moment, she looked nothing like the strong woman people had made her out to be.

She was just a teenager with responsibilities on her shoulders. It was somewhat pitiful but at that moment, everyone kept to their thoughts.

It looked like a funeral was taking place. Nathan glanced around, this was his plan… It's the only way to save as many as possible. But then, why did he feel bad?... Why did it feel like he had made a terrible mistake?

It was confusing. If this was how he was going to save the world… What made it any different from the future he was trying to avert?