Perfect World VR (45) - Escort

Forceful cancellation of an Active skill was not a good feeling at all as Nathan had to pay double the price. He felt his tachyon core drain by almost forty percent due to this.

He remained expressionless as he stood watching Elena but inwardly, he held back the urge to curse. He gritted his teeth and pulled through. "That wasn't the reply I was expecting."

He was unsure of how to push forward at this point. He had succeeded in taking Elena's belief and crushing it. A classic case of a plan backfiring. It wasn't a good feeling.

The control room was silent at this point. Everyone held their breath as they listened closely. "I am not fit to be Herald. The only thing I have going for me is my strength and even that…. Right now, I don't believe it's useful. What's the point of great power if I can't use it to protect my squad?"