Perfect World VR (48) - Escort {Finale}

She saw it from the corner of her eye. She merely smirked at the bravery of the Dog as it rushed at her. It seemed to have some battle sense but it was too low to be considered important.

She could tell that behind that ferocious face, a whimpering dog was hoping to end this exchange in one move. As she dropped to the ground, she smirked.

Her sword glimmered as she charged it with tachyon. The beast was right about that though, this exchange would be done in one move.

Unfortunately, she would be the one with the upper hand. To prove her point, she made her move.


She dashed forward, her blade fully charged. There was no need for any martial technique, no showy sword skills, just pure power would be used to decide this clash.

The Mad Dog opened its mouth, baring its forest of teeth as it leaped towards her.