Perfect World VR (47) - Escort

A new day in-game. The Mammoth was still in transit. The night before was filled with titbits of information for Nathan about the skills available to him on the system.

It has further confirmed his thoughts that the system was more of a support type than one made for combat. Its strength would be shown in full whenever he worked on tech of any kind.

He had spent the whole night on this, using the excuse of standing in for others as watch while they rested. By the time morning had arrived, he felt incredibly fatigued.

Once the others awoke, he moved to a room and fell asleep, hoping to get a little short eye before any incident took place.

Elena saw no problems with this and instead insisted that he put his mind at ease. Nothing would go wrong today, those were her words to him. Nathan restrained the urge to want to tell her that there was no reason to assure him.