Perfect World VR (76) - Survival City

Without wasting another second, Jeremy took off. The Man-eaters growled as they rushed after him, in a few breaths, a sea of Man-eaters could be seen chasing after him.

"Shit, I knew something like this would happen. I need to buy time." Nathan rushed to his backpack and quickly took out the Roboman toys. This time, they were equipped with mini Gatling guns.

Thinking about it, he proceeded to infuse some tachyon into each of them. "The batteries might not be able to last for long. Might as well add to their overall power. Unfortunately, they would collapse once the power is exhausted."

Nathan sighed at the loss. He had taken quite some time to create them yet they would be getting tossed away so quickly.

He quickly shook his head to stay focused. It's for a good cause… He thought as he got to his feet while pulling out the control tablet for the toys.