Perfect World VR (77) - Survival City

It was a simple directive. All he had to do was to run into the building. After that, he would head to an alternate exit and leave before they caught up to him.

The Man-eaters weren't smart so they wouldn't be able to go after him as long as he was out of sight.

Even though the thought to do otherwise crossed his mind, Jeremy begrudgingly decided to go ahead with it. He couldn't afford to stop and argue while they were right behind him.

Since it would help him get away, then there was no problem. Thus, he did as he was told.

Meanwhile, Nathan went about his own business. Firstly, he pulled back the Drone. Once it was back on the roof, Nathan armed it with the remaining two reinforced speakers.

Once assured of the connection, he controlled it to go down the building, throwing it into two different floors that were close to the roof.