Perfect World VR (79) - Survival City

Nathan charged at the Man-eaters without a care in the world. He had already decided to perish together with them. Nothing would stop him from completing his plan.

With each step he took, he could feel his body telling him to turn around and flee, yet he kept on moving. Putting his hand up, he began to shoot his handgun.

With each shot, 5% of his tachyon core gauge was shaved. He could already feel himself getting weaker.

Hah… I have to find a way to go around my weak core… That was Nathan's train of thought.

Only a few meters between himself and the Man-eaters, they lunged toward him. He was about to drop to the ground when an intense sword aura slashed at them, effectively killing all those that had jumped at Nathan.

Nathan was left speechless by this. The Man-eaters quickly became cautious.