Perfect World VR (80) - Survival City


The building began to collapse without warning. The Man-eaters within tried to escape but where could they go to?

Even those that were outside could not get away in time as the building fell, crushing them underneath.

A massive dust cloud erupted as the building finished collapsing. It was over… All Man-eaters were buried.

Elena stood there speechless for a few breaths before glancing at Nathan, the latter smiling from ear to ear, thoroughly satisfied with the outcome of his hard work.

"What exactly was that?" Her curiosity got the better of her. "Oh, just a minor sound formation," Nathan replied with a shrug. Putting up a brow, Elena asked. "Minor?"

"Mn, don't let the building destruction fool you. All the formation did was compromise the building foundation, what happened next was gravity taking its course." Nathan quickly explained.