Perfect World VR (89) - Special scenario : Tower Defense

Elena stood with her sword at the ready, her sight trained on the Dominator. It stood amid the Man-eater horde, waiting for something.

They were currently at a stalemate. No side made the first move, waiting for the other to make a blunder to capitalize on.

Elena quickly realized something was strange with the Man-eaters, they seemed a bit too docile. It was then that Nathan's voice came through.

"Elena, I think the Skull crusher is planning something... It doesn't follow basic instincts like the other Man-eaters." Hearing this, she furrowed her brows. She could just make out the Skull crusher fidget slightly.

…Something is wrong…

Before Nathan could say anymore, Elena stopped him. "Don't say anything." "But…"

"Do what you have to. Don't worry." Nathan paused on the other end before replying. "Alright then."