Perfect World VR (98 ) : The Stark Family

"Leah told me how you ended up as an instructor at the academy," Nathan remarked. Helen remained silent, evaluating the young man before her.

Silence permeated the atmosphere for some time with Nathan feeling a bit awkward, worried that Helen might react negatively.

"…Uhmm, Ma'am…" He trailed off as Helen put up her palm to cut him off. "Why did she tell you?"

"…She was worried about her performance at the academy. I asked her why she decided to join and she told me it was because of your… peculiar situation." Nathan explained, making sure not to leave anything out.

Helen sighed while shaking her head. "That child… she has no idea what she is doing…" Nathan immediately followed up. "But she genuinely wants to help you."

"I know… which is why I won't stop her," Helen remarked. Nathan felt relieved, his worries about Helen confronting Leah about everything were no longer necessary.