Perfect World VR (102) - Capture the Flag


Ruben swung his hammer, slamming several zombies with it, completely crushing them with the crunch resounding.

"Oi watch where you swing that thing," Chelsea remarked as she moved out of the trajectory of the crushed zombies, just enough to avoid their scattered organs.

Ruben placed his palm on the back of his head. "Sorry bout that."

Suddenly, someone crashed into him. Turning back, it turned out to be Indra. "Less talking, more fighting."

Nodding in understanding, they separated, getting back into the action.

At this point the dark railway station was lit up by the occasional blue flashes that moved past, followed by the screeching of zombies before they dropped dead.

Nathan and Leah remained close to the pedestal watching over the flag. The former is not at all enjoying his inability to lend a hand in the current fight.