Perfect World VR (103) : Capture the Flag

The fourth trial had just begun, the first Squadron to be eliminated had been announced, and things were still taking place outside but right now, inside an obscure train tunnel, Red Wing Thunder gathered around their flag, discussing a few pressing matters.

Nathan said. "We would end up facing more beast waves and as I had pointed out earlier on, the zombie horde is stage one, I'm sure we would be able to handle the two stages after that, but what about the fours stage?... I am not confident that we have a chance of winning."

They turned to Elena for confirmation. "He is right. The longer we stay here, the more difficult the mobs they send to us become. If we allow that to continue, it would get to a point where we won't be able to take them down without casualties taking place.

"And once that happens… I will assume that the announcement would be made and if the other Squadrons are merciless enough, that would be the perfect time to strike."