Perfect World VR (107) - Capture the Flag

Grid was unsure of what to make of what was happening before him at this very moment. The strongest cadet with the greatest potential sat a few meters away from him, so casual in her mannerisms and way of speaking.

He could not understand what she was aiming at. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to peer into her, to find anything that could help him figure out what was going on.

Alas, Elena was like a calm lake without a single ripple. She remained unchanged, not allowing Grid to see through her façade.

Faced with no other option, Grid decided to gamble.

Seeing Grid relax his aura, Elena felt elated inside. She had managed to fool her opponent, now the next part of her plan was about to fall into motion.

In a casual tone, she addressed Grid. "Do you still doubt that I am here with only the two of them?"

Grid pursed his lips before slowly responding. "Not at all, I believe you."

Elena nodded. "That's good."