Perfect World VR (108) : Capture the Flag

 Faced with such a powerful individual being so casual with them, not at all rubbing her strength in their face, the cadets on Grid's camp were quite grateful that she was the one with the title of strongest cadet with the greatest potential.

Indeed, her genius had not gotten to her brain and she knew when to take a step back when needed.

Thinking back, they no longer felt the need to be so wary. They relaxed their guards while waiting for Grid to speak.

On the other hand, Grid only had more reason to admire Elena as he stared at her. Beauty, brains, and brawn, she was practically perfect.

A random thought passed by with him wondering if he could court her. Of course, his background was not to be scoffed at but on the larger scale of things, he pushed that thought aside for now.

Later on, he would get back to it but for now, he was keeping the goddess waiting. It wasn't right to do so, especially when she was being so calm about things.