Perfect World VR (125) : Capture the Flag

Tiana was shocked as she stared at the sight before her. It was unbelievable, to say the least.

She could remember very clearly that both Victor and Tanya were at the center of the explosion when it occurred yet both of them seemed very okay at the moment.

Tanya was right in front of her, about to dish out a whole round of payback.

In her shock, she remained silent for a single moment until Tanya yelled out. "My turn!"

Tanya made to attack.

Of course, Tiana tried to react and deal some damage as she put up the gun to fire but alas she was a tab bit slow.

Tanya's fist slammed into her torso causing Tiana to let out a pained groan as the shock traveled through her body.

Of course, that wasn't the end as Tanya followed up with two more blows to her torso, effectively putting her out of commission as she dropped the gun in her hand and fell to the ground, her hands on her stomach as she struggled to fight through the pain.