Perfect World VR (126) : Capture the Flag

Tiana felt searing pain flush through her chest. It wasn't hard to figure out that she had been stabbed from behind by Indra.

Her heart slowly stopped beating as her mental proceeded gradually ground to a halt. As it did so though, Tiana was able to gain a little bit of clarity, allowing her to escape the consequences of overly immersing herself in the Perfect World.

Realizing what she had done, Tiana could only sigh in relief that everything was over now. If Indra was a step too late, she would have gotten to the point of no return and turned into an imbecile for the rest of her life.

Even if she wasn't in this situation, she reckoned that she would have slowly fallen to depravity, which would still end up the same… with a fried brain.

Thus it was good that she finished right now instead of waiting till later.

As she stared at Tanya, her previous expression changed to one of pure appreciation as she flashed a warm smile.