Perfect World VR (127) : Capture the Flag

Indra had a look of disgust on his face as he ridiculed the foolish attempt Jacob and his lackeys were making just to make a name for themselves.

Of course, Jacob noted this and could not help but want to rip his face off. What did he know?... He acted like he knew what it meant to be a cadet, but that was not the case.

Indra was a bonafide genius amongst the newly recruited cadets, just like every other member of Red Wing Thunder, they did not understand what it meant to struggle to excel, all they had to do was take one step and they would have ascended a level.

It was unfair and annoying just to think about it. Yet the bastard stood before them, trying to lecture them on what hard work was.

In annoyance, Jacob spat back. "That's easy for you to say!... Red Wing Thunder is made up of elites and geniuses so it's easier to throw your weight around but you know what we have to experience just to take a single step forward?"