Perfect World VR (128) : Capture the Flag

"How is this possible?" Jacob could not understand it. It was an impossibility made possible by some means he could not understand.

He tried to think of something but was left blank.

As he stared at Indra, the latter could tell his state of mind from his blank expression.

"Are you shocked that we respect that weakling?... Are you surprised to hear that he is our vice Herald?... Are you stomped by how he was able to make a name for himself even though he isn't what you guys refer to as a genius?

"I can as well see that you guys have it much better than him yet you have to resort to such lowly means while he continues to rise higher."

Jacob yelled out. "There has to be a reason why he can do it!"

"Of course, two reasons. Hard work and smart work. Even though his physique is practically a blunder, he still manages to show his worth again and again, proving that he is not someone that is easily written off.