Perfect World VR (139 ) : Capture the Flag

"Ugh." The female Spy class cadet groaned as she struggled to regain the upper hand she had over Jeremy a moment ago.

She had felt that with just a little more effort, Jeremy would be forced to get out of her way, allowing her to get across to her sister that was currently struggling to get out of the trap their opponents had set up for her.

Watching her sister struggling to survive the onslaught of Gary and Elena, caused her heart to palpitate and her chest to tighten as she could not bare the pained expression her sister carried.

For as long as she could remember, she and her twin sister had done everything together growing up as a family.

Her name was Alia and her sister's name was Alia.

Two sisters that grew up, loving and caring for each other. Whenever one faced bullying, the other would jump in to help.

That was their dynamic.