Perfect World VR (140) : Capture the Flag

Alita saw death flash before her eyes as the four blue walls of Gary's [Heavenly Tower] closed in on her from all sides.

She looked up just in time to see the roof drop down and enclose her in a cube. Realizing the kind of danger she was in, Alita knew that she had to get out before it was too late but she was also aware that her chances of breaking out of the cube she was in were close to zero.

After all, the creator of the cube was the so-called best Defender class cadet that the academy currently had. It was not a fluke that he managed to clinch that title.

Gary was quite deserving of it and his potential was only destined to soar higher as he learned more.

But still, Alita would not give up!

Brandishing her weapons, she slashed the walls of the cube over and over again, struggling to make a dent that she could use to break out, but so far, her attempts were all for naught.