Perfect World VR (141) : Capture the Flag

Elena had a casual look on her beaut face as she slowly counted out the number of opponents she would have to face alongside Gary and Jeremy.

She would be lying to herself if she said that she did not expect the company to follow after Alita and Alia, but one thing for sure was not taken into consideration and that was the time it took for them to reach their current location after just taking care of Alia and Alita.

She had anticipated them catching up to their current location at least, five to ten minutes after herself, Gary, and Jeremy engaged with Alia and Alita.

Wouldn't that be the reason why both girls were so desperate to fight?... Because they wanted to ensure that Elena, Gary, and Jeremy would not be able to escape before their main force arrives.

In any case, her assumptions turned out to be false, and now, they were about to face the onslaught of twenty cadets.