Perfect World VR (156) : Capture the Flag

Taking a deep breath to steel his nerves for what he anticipated to come from Steven. Michel closed his eyes while sighing helplessly. "Tell me, Steven, What do you, Richard, and the entire Stark Family think of the great me?"

Steven chuckled at how Michel managed to toot his own horn even in this situation. A born narcissist. Since others won't recognize him, then he would recognize himself.

For Steven who was a genius in cultivation in his own right, he saw Michel's acts as pathetic. If you want to be respected, then grow stronger!

That was Steven's creed. Who would care if you are the smartest in the room if you don't have the strength to protect yourself?

Without strength, you would be forced to bend the knee when those that are considered strong come for you and Steven was a prideful person that did not believe in bending the knee to anyone except those he swears allegiance to.