Perfect World VR (157) : Capture the Flag

Michel revealed a smile as he asked. "Why do you want to take down Red Wing Thunder?... I mean, it would do the human race a lot of good if they graduated from the academy but you don't want that to happen, instead opting to ensure they lose this trial which would be detrimental to us all. Why?... I tried to think about it but I just don't get it."

Steven chuckled. "You don't have to concern yourself with that. Just know that we want them gone. Do you understand?"

Michel clicked his tongue. Unfortunately, Steven was smart enough to turn him down without a single clue given.

If the purple-haired teenager had dared to play games by talking in riddles and the likes, it was clear that he would be able to make sense of the nonsense.

"Cleve." Michel thought. "Truly clever."

Steven on the other hand was laughing internally. He would be a fool to underestimate Michel's intelligence even if his strength is at an extremely low level.