Perfect World VR (171) : Capture the Flag

Seeing as his fellow swordsman class cadets leaped into the fray and joined in the clash between himself and Elena, Pablo thought to use this opportunity to back away from Elena and create some distance as he was almost drained completely from having to exchange blows with the strongest cadet with the greatest potential.

Of course, this was okayed by the other two swordsmen as they swung their blades to intercept Elena, causing her to place her attention on them, ensuring that Pablo would be able to escape her grasp.

What they didn't expect though was that Elena had already prepared for such a scenario. After having narrowly dodged the attacks of Sniper class cadets as well as Archer class cadets from amongst the hostile forces that aimed to take her life while she was focused on Pablo, how could two swordsmen dare to stop her now when she was almost done with her most precious prey?