Perfect World VR (172) : Capture the Flag

Elena moved with the intent to finish her little exchange with Pablo while Pablo remained frozen in place, frozen by the primal fear that permeated his very being.

She charged her blade and swung it, filled with murderous intent as the blade flashed with a blue light.

Sensing danger to his life, Pablo moved on instinct with his sword to intercept Elena's attack. He knew he wouldn't be able to block it, yet his instincts to survive caused him to act accordingly.

Elena smiled at his weak attempt to preserve his life before she swung her blade and slammed it into Pablo's own, destabilizing him before moving in for a second attack.

With his sword out of the way, Pablo was left with no means to defend and even if he had another means, he would still be easily disarmed, that was just how disoriented he was.

Elena brought down her sword a second time and this time around, nothing was stopping the path of her blade.
