Perfect World VR (184) : Capture the Flag

At this point, he no longer held out hope for the hammer-wielding cadet to surpass his limits and show him the real strength hiding behind all that weakness.

"The boost doesn't last for too long. Approximately ten seconds after the individual reaches the threshold. Since he couldn't gain that significant boost in his power level, I doubt he would be able to gain it later on. Quite unfortunate. I had hope for his capabilities. Too bad." Jeremy shook his head as he sighed heavily. It would seem it would take him some time again to clash with someone capable of utilizing such a power.

"I wonder if I would be able to utilize such a power someday, it is indeed intriguing to think about." He thought as he relaxed his aura.

After all, after getting fired up to his strongest threshold, Jeremy had hoped to face off against a boosted hammer-wielding cadet, not the weakling before him that was still unable to surpass his limits.