Perfect World VR (185) : Capture the Flag



First, the sound of flesh being pierced through like a knife through butter, following that was the sound of a thunderclap echoing across like a warning from the gods. After that, an ear-piercing scream filled with pain and anguish came after, sending chills down the spines of many.

"Eaaaahh!!" Without a chance to defend or evade due to how fast the attack Jeremy executed was, the hammer-wielding cadet had his entire torso blown off with a single thrust from Jeremy. It was unbelievable no matter how he looked at it.

A massive gaping hole replaced the area where his stomach was meant to be, causing his entrails to be seen as they dropped out from the crevice. Blood dripped and organs fell out making for quite a gruesome scene.

It was enough to make grown men nauseous due to how grotesque looking it was.