A need to liberate

Michel pursed his lips, contemplating a few things inwardly while also chuckling by the manner in which Nathan called his name out with such zest. He sure was popular.

"So you know who I am?"

"Of course. I know who you are and most importantly… I know why you are here." Nathan said with a confident voice that reverberated across, his words echoing about the battlefield.

Michel Voight put up a brow surprised by Nathan's claims. One thing he knew was that Nathan had no reason to know who he was and most importantly, no channel to figure out the plan Michel had for Nathan.

So how could he stand there and speak rubbish so confidently with an unwavering look and a smug expression?

But for some reason that he could not completely ignore due to the legacy that Nathan had up until this point, Michel had an inkling that Nathan was actually being serious.