Strike while the iron is hot

"There is no winner yet, Michel Voight. So far you have used underhanded means to control people but I am here to tell you that I will no longer stand for such a thing!"

Everyone went wide eyed with shock as they whipped their heads in the direction of the explosion.

Slowly but surely, the dust cloud cleared to reveal a bright golden structure that caught the eyes of everyone present.

It glowed with an incandescent light and it's structure was reminiscent of a moving fortress.

And at the center of this fortress, Nathan stood with a mean expression on his face.

He seemed calm but his fierce gaze fixed on Michel Voight caused the latter to flinch due to the pressure he was under.

On one side, his confused slaves were beginning to regain themselves again and soon they would question his rule over them, something he couldn't afford due to how the situation had escalated.