Carrot and stick

Thus, he quickly acted upon it. "I had already told you all. Nathaniel Holt doesn't deserve the praise he has gotten so far. He is basically just a shameless cheat that has done nothing but lie and deceive every single one of us.

"He was crazy enough to hack the system just to be seen as a prodigy when he was nothing but a slimy cheat!... How can we see such a person as part of us?"

With a grin on his dastardly face, Michel sowed the seeds required to start the flames

"We are all cadets that have struggled, worked hard to be acknowledged by the system yet we got nothing and then some slimy cheat that got in through the backdoor managed to not only gain the acknowledgement of the higher-up of Guardian Academy despite being worse off than us. He somehow got lucky enough to join Red Wing Thunder and overshadowed all geniuses to be seen as a beacon of hope.