How could he!?

Seeing as his plans were slowly reaching a climax and Nathan remained silent all this while, Michel Voight sort to strike the iron while it was still hot.

"Yes, you all are right. There is no way the management didn't know about Nathaniel Holt's act of hacking Perfect World and creating a cheat for his use. In fact, I believe that it's not just a case of hacking, but that the management were in on this. They were planning to use Nathan in a scheme also know as the carrot and stick approach."

Nathan put up a brow at this point. So far he hasn't reacted to anything Michel or his army had said.


Because there was no need to speak. He had already resolved himself to reveal the skill that had been gifted to him by Elena.

It was no cheat, It was no hack. It was born of his own effort.