Every single one

They were incensed. How could they have been deceived like that?

Didn't they understand their situation?... How much they struggled just to become like Nathaniel Holt?

Just to become like that guy that managed to rank amongst the geniuses despite being of mediocre talent. They desired to be just like him, putting the effort only to find out that he was a cheater?

How could they accept such a thing!

How could they accept that the higher ups of Guardian Academy only saw Nathan as a mascot to force them to put in more effort?

Just because they needed more fodder, right?... They needed people for the talents to step on and use as meat shields once it was time to explore the blue planet?

It made sense, after all, those talents and geniuses were the same people that were given more attention and were cared for more.

They only served as mob characters to make the talents and geniuses look better.