Twelve Great families

Thus, the instructors were left speechless as they watched cadets with average talent band together in a bid to clear up the trial… at least that was what it looked like.

But those sensible enough could tell that their group was aimed at only one squadron and that was… Red Wing Thunder.

It was obvious to see from the footage they had watched so far.

All their attacks had been pointed at Red Wing Thunder all in a bid to wipe them out… or so it seemed.

"This Michel Voight… he is definitely not a simple cadet." They all agreed on that, after all, not many would have the mind cunning enough to con so many people.

Using their emotional state which was weak and their blind spots as well as weaknesses to manipulate them, Michel Voight had succeeded in creating an army to do his bidding.

He had the makings of a conqueror… no, more like a manipulator.

"He has the IQ to begin with, but he is using it wrongly." It was clear to see.