Harsh dilemma

The vibe they were getting from Michel Voight wasn't exactly a good one, especially seeing just how manipulative of a person he was.

Unlike Leila that just wanted to blow things up with unconventional means, Michel Voight desired to dominate his fellow cadets.

Anyone with a thinking faculty could figure that out after watching every single one of his actions since the trial began.

He was a dangerous cadet to have out on the field. After all, he would be more likely to manipulate others into doing his bidding than focusing on taking care of the enemy.

It was clear that he cared less if the Apocalypse was ever resolved or not. In fact, it worked to his benefit if the Apocalypse was never resolved.

After all, if humanity took back the blue planet then there would no longer be anything like the Human Confederation. At least, the power it has now would largely fade.