I believe in my student

"Because they want to make a statement?... Honestly we are also lost on how to go about the situation." The head instructor replied with a heavy sigh while shaking his head, showing just how confused he was about the whole situation.

Helen frowned. "Okay, can we at least get a rundown of how things escalate to such a degree?"

The instructors present exchanged eye contact before gesturing to the devs in the control room to reply that footage leading up to the current situation with Nathan and Michel Voight.

A request to which they immediately fulfilled without much hassle.

Meanwhile as this was going on, Nathan still had his eyes up in the sky with his hand raised up as well, waiting patiently for the instructors to hear his request and provide a sufficient response.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't have made such a bold move but the situation wasn't normal in any sense of the word.