Crazy king of gadgets

"Shut up." Nathan replied before adding. "You guys need proof of my exploits and I will show it to you. After that, you can tell me if I am a cheater or a liar. Until then, don't even dare to judge me when you practically know nothing about me."

Michel Voight tried to refute but found no words, thus he stuck his nose up, harrumphing as he did so. "Hmmph."

'Even if you try to call out to the devs, nothing can save you from my plans, Nathaniel Holt. I will surely pull you down from your high pedestal. Just wait and see.'

Michel Voight was certain that no matter what Nathan tried to pull, he would only end up postponing the inevitable.

There was no way Nathan would be able to overturn the current crisis. Not at all.

Thus, he stood tall with a proud look on his face, waiting for when Nathan would be completely shamed and at that moment, he would revel in his victory against his most difficult opponent.