Fake Artifacts [2]

[21 April 2023, 11:30 AM]

[Park Injun's Store]

I got the Dark Chameleon skin rather easily right after I entered the Black Market. It was a bit surprising because this material was sought after for making [Stealth Robe] for most Sharpshooters, but then, maybe it was not popular yet, or my S Rank Luck allowed me to secure this material easily.

It cost me a hundred thousand USD, but I didn't mind it too much as I could make a cape for myself too from the excess material.

After getting what I needed, I went to Park Injun's store. I scratched the idea of going to Smith's place as the Dark Chameleon skin still needed some work. I was thinking of making the item myself, but then again, I was only an Enhancer, not some artisan whose job was to make some items.

Considering this was Smith's request, and he wanted the utmost secrecy, then Park Injun, his friend and someone with tight lips, was the best person I could ask to make the item.