Fake Artifacts [3]

[21 April 2023, 01:10 PM]

"Thanks for the meal, Chloe. I will be leaving first because my husband has contacted me."

"I will take my leave too. Thanks for teaching me how to cook."

Mrs. Marita and Lisa left after they helped us to clean the dishes. After all of that, I didn't even need to tell Lisa to keep our house's location a secret because she wanted to keep coming to learn how to cook from Chloe without being found out by the others.

I allowed her after I gave her a certain condition. She would only be allowed to visit when I was at home, and she couldn't tell anyone, even Zaiden, about our house's location. That way, I could use her as an alibi, and Zaiden would certainly trust her, considering she never told a lie to him.

Chloe also understood that I was uncomfortable and didn't want Lisa or the others to visit, so she apologized to me when the guests were busy cleaning the dishes earlier.