I am tired

"I'm participating in the show, and the requirement is ten outfits. Of course, you can make more, but most people stick to the limitations due to the time restriction."

"So you'll have ten different models?"

"That's the plan."

He is only a student, though; where will he get the models? Will he simply ask his friends? Then again, there are many specialized schools for models. Since he is a student in a famous school for fashion design, he probably has his own connections.

"If you are interested in the show, you should come too."

"I suppose I can."

'As if I will make sure I never encounter him again after this.' This guy is not a bad guy, and he did help her out. Normally she is the type who would return the favor, but it would be best for her to not get involved with another guy for awhile.

"So can I ask what that was all about?" Toh suddenly asked.

Sumire exhaled deeply. "Do we have to talk about this?"

"We ought to; it'll keep my mind from doing other things to you."

Despite his casual sentence, Sumire understood what he meant. What a terrible personality. Is he indirectly threatening her? The moment she gets her strength back, she, at the very least, wants to punch this guy's face.

"I was chasing those men's leader, and I ended up beating him up, so his men went after me," Sumire spoke calmly.

Although she omitted most of the important details, it should be enough. Everybody living in this town has knowledge of gangs and the underworld, even if they do not understand the formal procedures.

"It's hard to believe that a girl like you is in a gang."

Her eyes twitched, annoyed when she heard those words. "Unfortunately, we are not living in the old days anymore, mister. Girls can join gangs."

"I didn't say it was a bad thing. But it seems your quick to lose your temper when people mention sensitive topics."

Gah, is she that obvious? Why does a guy she just met know something about her already? It's true that she does not have a good temper, but that is because she has a lot on her mind.

She keeps a lot of things to herself and becomes mentally drained. She bottles up her emotions, and a single trigger causes her to explode.

Sumire finds herself avoiding her gaze. 'I won't cry.' The fact that he saw right through her makes her upset. She wants nothing more than to find a hole and hide. Is she that transparent?

"Where are you looking? Look at me."


Toh chuckled, and yet she sensed something dangerous in his tone. "You're not trying to pick a fight, are you?"

"You're the one who started this! We barely know each other, don't act like you know me."

"It was only a simple observation. Does it upset you that much that I figured it out?"

Of course, it does; not even people who she is close to learn things about her this quickly. But if she were to say that out loud, it would be the same as admitting how there is a wall between her and her precious people.

Toh turned around. "Forget it; this is silly."

"Wait a minute."

"That sounds like you're giving me orders."

"I'll listen, so be quick."

Toh's eyes twitched, irritated. "You seem to have a bad personality on top of that. Can your tone be any more sarcastic?"

"I don't want to hear that from you."

What on earth is she doing arguing with somebody she just met for the first time? This person is making her behave strangely.

"Then let me just say this. If somebody figures something out after meeting you only one time, it does not make you a simple person. It simply means they are watching over you carefully. That's all."

Huh- hold on? Does he mean that he is watching over me carefully?

Toh finished and walked over to the kitchen area. He pulled something out of the fridge.

"Do you like curry?"

"I love it."

Moments later, she heard the sound of a microwave, and in the next second, he brought over a plate of curry and placed it on the table.

"Eat something; it will help you regain your strength."

She stared at him blankly and then back at the food. So not only did he patch up her wounds, he was even giving her food? Why is this person being so kind to her?

Weren't they just arguing a few seconds ago? What on earth is this situation?

Her thoughts broke off when he placed a cup of wine beside her meal.

"Oh uh-"

"You don't drink? Or do you want something lighter?"

If she says she doesn't drink, he will find out how old she is. Alright, Sumire, it is only a glass; she ought to be fine. Sumire answered him by picking up the cup and drinking it in one go.

"Huh, I'm surprised you drank that. What if there was poison?"

Sumire innocently tilted her head. "Is there poison in this?"

"No," Toh sat down beside her and refilled her cup. "Have more since you enjoyed it so much."

Uh, what did she just get herself into? This is a bit dangerous. Sumire shook her head. She ought to be fine even if she drinks a few.

But maybe it was because she wanted to distract herself; however, when Toh asked her if she wanted more, she kept saying yes. Before she knew it, she had already lost count of how many cups she had drunk. She felt her vision grow blurrier, and her entire body felt warm.

Is this because of her fever?

Toh must have understood since he removed the cup from her hands. "Alright, my lady, I think you have proven your point, and I shouldn't tease you so much."

"No, gi-give me more-" Sumire stammered.

Toh didn't and proceeded to put the cup away, but she tried to take it from him. This ended up with her pushing him down onto the couch and falling on top of him.

"I really shouldn't have teased you," Toh mumbled.

His tone quickly changed, but it was hard for her to focus due to her blurring vision.

"Even if you hate me, you should have- you should have just told me that you didn't like me anymore. Why did you have to cheat?" Before she knew it, all sorts of things that she bolted up escaped her lips.

"I know I was using you, so I don't deserve to feel pain,, but it hurt so much. Why did you do that to me?"

Why did he do that? Why did he betray her trust when she finally learned to trust and accept him? Why is it that it leaves her when she has finally grasped hold of something?

Her thoughts broke off when she felt something on her lips. Huh? What-? Sumire opened her mouth to speak, and right at that moment, she felt something inside her mouth.


"I shouldn't have taken you." He muttered.

Those were the last words she heard before she heard the sound of rustling clothes.

If she could count the many times, she tried to escape from the pain and emptiness in her heart. She would realize it coincidentally overlaps with the number of times she failed to end her own life.

In order to continue surviving, she faces many different challenges and many battles. But even she is not indestructible; she is already so tired of everything.