Something I always wanted

For the longest time, there has been something she has always wanted. Others would consider something as something vague and small, something not worth their attention. But she considered it her entire world.

She has repeatedly heard of stories like this, waking up with no memory of what happened last night after drinking alcohol and inside a stranger's home. But Sumire would never have imagined it happening to her.

She quickly realized that she wasn't in her room when she opened her eyes. The rays of light that shone inside the room were in the opposite direction than usual.

It took her a few minutes before she bolted up; unfortunately, her entire body ached. She felt sore all over, so she could not move immediately. Sumire carefully scanned her surroundings.

'This place, where is she?' Sumire retraced her thoughts back to last night. But it was still difficult to recall. Her thoughts broke off when she saw a box beside her. There was a note attached to the box.

-Wear this. I also charged your phone for you. There is breakfast on the table if you want to eat

Love Toh

Her eyes twitched, annoyed. Why does this guy sound like he is bossing her around? Her mind was still in a daze, but she was starting to recall fragments of last night. When she put on the dress, everything returned to her, and she wanted to scream.

Vague images floated through her mind, him kissing her deeply after she provoked him, and she even made the first move by tugging on his clothes.

To think she did something like that! Is she crazy? Oh, this is no good; no matter how lonely she was in the past, she has never gone this far. What on earth was wrong with her?

Many things indeed happened yesterday, but 'Ibuki Sumire. I did not raise you the type to stay out late and fool around with strange men.'

She can almost hear her mother's voice right now. Sorry dear mother in heaven, she has developed such bad habits since your departure. Sumire sighed deeply. It seems like that guy is gone right now, so she should use this chance to leave. It would be bad encountering him again. Moreover, she wouldn't know what to say.

It would be bad if he got the wrong idea from this and tried to make a move on her again. Even though he was strangely gentle with her- Sumire frantically shook her head. He is the enemy, don't fall for such cheap tactics.

Her gaze fell towards her reflection in the mirror on the top of the bed. She thought this too when she briefly glanced around yesterday. But why do all his clothes fit perfectly like he made them exclusively for her?

Sumire recalled what he said about watching over her carefully, and she exhaled deeply. What is she doing getting herself involved with such an unusual guy? Moreover, there is a four-year age difference between them. After what happened last time, she had already promised herself that she would not involve herself with an older man ever again.

But he is the first person she could speak to uncomfortably after a long time. It would be a waste to just leave it here.

It's true that she is not ready to enter a relationship just yet, but staying friends won't do any harm. No, Sumire shook her head. She cannot allow herself to get caught up in the flow. It would be best to cut this relationship short before anything happens between them.

No matter how badly she craves for another person's warmth to fill this gap and longing in her heart. She cannot continue to fling herself to random guys without getting to know him.

Toh and her did get along well, but she barely knew him for half a day. She cannot conclude a person's personality in such a short amount of time.

Besides, has she not learned her lesson from Sano? She was the one who jumped into a relationship with him on the first day they met. She assumed it would be okay.

It's okay because she only intends to use him; she does not expect anything from him. But despite coming prepared, she is the one who was abandoned and left heartbroken in the end.

Sumire glanced at her reflection in the mirror and grabbed her phone before she dashed out of the room. Thankfully when she went downstairs, she could not see a single soul in sight.

It seems like he is not here after all. That is good, but her gaze fell on the table where there was a bento box and a note. She has to admit that he is a gentleman. To receive this Princess treatment, maybe he isn't so bad. But unfortunately, she will not stick around long enough to find out.

After exiting the house and walking on the streets for a few minutes, it did not take long before a familiar bike stopped in front of her.


"Hope on, princess."

Sumire rolled her eyes and yet nodded as she climbed on the back of his bike. She tried to avoid eye contact, afraid that he was assessing her every move. She wanted to call Asuka, but she knew her friend would be busy. Nao nags, but he won't lecture her too much.

"At least sit properly, will you?"Nao said.

"No can do; sitting sideways is fun."

If she wanted to annoy Nao, there would be many other ways. Watching the scenery sitting this way was fun. She often noticed things that most people would often neglect if they simply rode on the bike normally.

Senbi Nao is her childhood friend. Since her parents' deaths, he had always looked out for her. He has remained by her side and protected her. However, the last part wasn't really necessary at all since she was strong.

Ever since the accident, she resolved herself to get stronger. So when she decided to repay Aki, she was the one who decided to join him. Even now, she recalled how surprised he was at her suggestion. It seemed like he did not expect that from her.

He did not expect her to voluntarily choose a life of bloodshed. Back then, she thought that she had nothing else left to lose. It is easier to sacrifice herself if she has nothing to lose.