It is like this...

"Good food, what a great bonus!" Lena rubbed her potted belly and leaned into the soft king's mattress. Perhaps, agreeing to the marriage was not as bad as she thought. There was a good-looking man in the castle accompanied by good food, what else could she ask for.

"I bet my aunt and uncle never expected this for me but good for me!" She chuckled and embraced a pillow. Lena inhaled the pillow, and a whiff of pure masculinity wafted into her nostrils.

"Ah... so manly," she muttered softly, and with her eyes closed, she shrugged deep into the pillow, like an obsessed puppy with its bone.

"Wait!" she sat up urgently. "Lena, what the heck are you thinking!" She glared at the pillow and threw it far away. She grabbed a handful of her hair and sulked. "Bad man, bad man... such nice-looking face— arghh!" The fair skin of her cheeks reddened slightly.

She had to say, the man was indecently good-looking, a feast for the eyes and perfect satisfaction to any woman's unspoken fantasies. Lena curled her body up in the bed and grunted. For a moment, she wished her husband was a hideous monster instead. How could she have such a fine feast so close to her and be unable to eat it up? Damned hormones! She was such a sucker for handsome guys and this man, her husband— was a sinful fine spec!

Just when she was battling with her crazy thoughts, the familiar ringtone of her phone caught her attention. She stretched her hand and took the phone from the bedpost. She answered the call, putting it on the loudspeaker before tossing it aside.

"Hey, what?" She drawled lazily.

"LENA!" An angry voice rang out of the speaker and echoed in the room. Lena threw a look at her phone and rolled her eyes.

"Why are you being such a drama queen, May?" She uttered slowly.

"You dare tell me that now, huh? Lena, you bad person! I told you... give response to all my messages but you didn't!" May enunciated.

"Yeah, yeah, I know... sorry about that" Lena voiced, she drew circles in the bed with her fingers and could already imagine her best friend's vexed expression. She would probably be standing at one corner of the room with a hand on her waist at one moment and in the other, she was pacing around the room. These thoughts made her want to laugh badly but considering May's mood, she did not. Instead, she apologized insincerely.

"Whatever! Now, girl tell me, did you really get married or Lexi is cooking up lies against you once again?" May queried.

"Yeah, something like that..." Lena gave a deliberately listless response.

"Holy shit! Lena, what did you do that?! You are barely twenty! The fuck did you get yourself into, babe?" May yelled. Thankfully, the phone was far away from Lena's ear else, her eardrum might end up being broken by her dearest best friend.

"Yeah, I know right..." Lena gave yet, another indifferent reply. The chat between the two ladies was usually in that manner, Lena gets to listen passively while May does the talking and yapping.

"You suck, darling... were you forced? This should be your aunt and uncle's doing. Those crazy people! Why did they not marry off that annoying twin of yours instead? Poor you, I bet you were tied up and dragged to the altar. It is so painful that you had to marry an old man in your youth. Don't worry bestie, I will dedicate my days to praying that the old man dies soon!" May rambled, she was the kind of person that said one thing this instant and jumped to another in the next.

"Okay..." Lena answered.

A certain 'old man' that would die soon had coincidentally reached the room and heard that part of the conversation paused, he arched a brow and his lips twitched. He was no old man and was not going to die?!

"Bestie, I am so sad for you... You know, you should return to school. The old man should not be so poor that he would tie you down in his home, right?" May asked.

Lena pressed her lips together, "I don't know..." she mumbled with a small groan. She had not thought to that extent. She merely agreed to the marriage because she did not want to cause more stress for herself and did not think of the way forward, after the marriage.

"That man dare not restrict you, else! Arghh... How infuriating! I don't even know what to say... What about our plans? Your plans of feasting on cute guys all the way till you are twenty-five?—

Just then, the figure standing by the door moved and crept into the room. Alexandro had a sly smile hanging in the corner of his sexy mouth. Lena was distracted hence, she did not feel his presence as he climbs onto the bed, directing leaning in on her. He buried his head in the crook of her neck and she froze, momentarily forgetting her discussion with May. She turned around immediately and her face met with those seductive-looking inky orbs that stared down at her in a hungry manner.

"W-what are you doing?" She whispered with a small stutter. For whatever reason, her heart thumped hard against her ribcage, she seems to have lost her voice and it felt as if the air was snuffed out of her lungs.

"Feasting on cute guys all the way to twenty-five, huh?" He drawled intentionally. His voice was deep and husky, purposefully lowered so that it only echoed in her ear sending signals to the rest of her body with a tingling sensation.

Her face was hot. Damn! His good-looking face that nourished a sinful effect was lowered to meet her face. Whether he realized it or not, he was almost laying on her and if he pushed further slightly, he would be pressing his body against hers. She gulped, this was so wrong! Lena thought.

"Y-you are disturbing me!" Lena uttered, as much as she wanted to push him away, she dared not, for she feared that she would be burned by his scalding hot body. But, Alexandro was not listening to her, his gaze was fixated on her beady green orbs. It gleamed dangerously like a ray of light calling out to him. How much he wanted to be sunk in the abyss of those eyes...

"...hey, are listening to me? Whatever, I am sure you must be feeling sad right now. But, you don't have to regret this, I will definitely help you to scale through. If only you had listened to me and dated a few guys in high school, then you wouldn't be this miserable. Your zero love life plus your marriage to an old man? Bestie, you are too pitiful. But, leave this to me, I've got you covered. When you come back to school, I've got some cute guys you can secretly feast on. It would be your little secret and I am willing to keep them for you forever..."

Alexandro heard this and his eyes darkened, Lena felt a sense of danger approach her, she froze and pressed her lips together. She peeked at the man's dark face from the corner of her lowered lashes. He sure had heard what her best friend said but he was not saying anything and neither was she. She pretended to be calm whereas, her insides were all jumpy and fidgety.

Ah, the agony of having such a crude friend! She thought as and bit the insides of her lower lips.

The man was yet to say anything, he merely floored her with his oceanic dark eyes, she was feeling jumpy and her best friend's continuous ramble became underground noise that neither of them paid attention to. Lena wet her lips that suddenly became dry, swallowed her spit to moist her thirsty throat, and parted her lips.

"It is like this..." she started.