
Lena wet her lips that suddenly became dry, swallowed her spit to moist her thirsty throat, and parted her lips.

"It is like this..." she started. She did not even know the reason why she was giving this explanation in the first place. Just as she was about to speak, May's voice rang into the room again.

"Sweetheart, you cannot give up easily, you must stand by your words, okay! Keep in mind your life goals— do you hear me?!" May pronounced.

"May..." Lena gritted her teeth, she really felt the urge to beat up her best friend at the moment. Life goals? Rubbish! Okay... she really did talk about something like keeping a harem of a thousand pretty guys but that was just a joke, alright! She was currently lamenting over putting her phone on loudspeaker.

"Life goals? What are they?" Alexandro questioned, he did not bother to keep his voice low this time. He spoke clearly and made sure that May heard him.

"It is none of your business!" Lena enunciated and rolled her eyes at him.

"Eh? Bestie, did I hear a man speak just now? Or my ears are clogged?" May questioned dramatically. Lena rolled her eyes, she reminded herself to make sure to beat her best friend up next time they met.

"Why ain't you answering! Are you guilty of something — wait, did you go all out and had your wedding night with another man?" May gasped before exclaiming like an aggrieved mother. "LENA! What have you done? I understand your husband is old and all but... you can't cheat on the first day of your marriage like that! You could have waited for about a week or—!"

Lena could no longer take it, she picked her phone and smacked her finger on the end button cutting off May's word midway. That friend of hers was such a pain in her ass! A horrible stain on her pure nature but it was too late to regret it now.

"So..." Alexandro drawled and leaned even closer such that his breathe scattered all over her face, she blushed crazily. Forgive her for being such a blushing mess, it was her fault for being a sucker for good-looking men and to have one hanging above her was not am easy feat at all.

Lena gulped, her hands were frozen by her side and she could hear the practical thumping of her heart against her ribcage. "You have to s-stop whatever you think you are doing this instant!" She managed to squeeze the words out of her throat, with great difficulty.

"Hmm, you smell so nice, darling..." Alexandro uttered. "Do you know what I think?" he questioned while staring deep into her green watery orbs. He just wanted nothing more that to suck her up.

"What?" Lena subconsciously responded appropriately. Yes, she was also a very curious soul.

Alexandro smiled at her ready response, his mesmerizing dark orbs shifted, they twinkled as the stars in the night sky and his thick sexy lashes fluttered. His one sided dimple was... OMG! Lena gasped, her heart thumped harder, and her lips went dry. She sucked in a deep breathe and could not look away from him. No, she was bewitched, tranced, captivated, enchanted, floored, hypnotized. It was the exact effect that he wanted her to get whenever she was with him and it worked, his smile widened into a sly grin when he noticed her tranced gaze.

"I think that..." Alexandro's choice of words were lazy and intensionally dragged, she waited for his next words while getting trapped in his eyes. "We should have our wedding night" he whispered in a deep seductive voice.

Lena widened her eyes, she opened her mouth to speak but her lips felt parched and uncomfortable, she stuck out her pink tongue and ran it over her lips. Seeing that action, Alexandro froze. He had only intended to tease her but was not expecting to be teased by her!

He leaned a bit closer and when his lips were about to touch hers, Lena suddenly snapped out of her daze, she saw the enlarged face before her eyes and she pushed.

"You— get off me, you monster!" she yelled and pushed him hard. But because he had not expected her actions, he fell on top of her. Lena gasped when she felt his weight crunching her small figure.

"Idiot! Get off my body this instant! You pervert man!" she snapped and threw soft punches at him. She pushed with all her might but he would not move no matter what.

Alexandro found this scene hilarious so he laughed, the deep tremble of his chest rocked against her chest as he laughed, she really wanted to bite him to death for his actions. How dare he molest her!

"You monster!" she insulted and pushed harder. Then he captured her troublesome hands and trapped them above her head, he looked into her eyes with a small smile lingering at the corner of his lips. Lena glared angrily at him, she would not let herself be bewitched again. She was certain that the monster man bewitched her with his beautiful smile causing her to lose her guard but she would not let that happen a second time.

Alexandro saw her glare but he maintained his smile, he did not mind her anger at all. Instead, he leaned in and pressed an innocent kiss on her forehead, then he looked into her eyes and said, "dear wifey, sooner or later... we will have our wedding night— wait for it".

His voice was dreamy and deep, it could led anyone to unsaid promises but Lena could not fall into his trap second time. She intensified her glare and if eyes could kill, Alexandro would be dead a thousand times.

Alexandro understood how she felt, his smile fell or half a second before he smiled again. She may not understand now but in the future, he would help her to accept him as her husband, she would come to realize that she can only be his. He would help her to learn to love him just as he loved her... He would wait a little more, he promised himself.

Their staring contest lasted for a moment, each one having thoughts of their own. Then Alexandro stood up from her body and walked to the door, he held the door and paused before turning back. His gaze fell on her and he flashed her an arrogant smirk, he mouthed to her 'wait for it!' before exiting the room.

"Hmph!" Lena sat up furiously. Wait for it? Rubbish! She thought. She was waiting for nothing! She rushed to the bathroom and splashed water on her red face.

Yes, her face was so red that it nearly dripped blood. "Your face is so red because you are angry at him," she told herself countless times as she splashed water on her face but each time she paused and looked in the mirror, the man's arrogant face popped into her mind with his signature smirk hanging at the corner of his lips then his image with whisper a resounding, 'wait for it' to her, in the most seductive manner.

"Arghh! Lena, why is your heart so dirty! You are not allowed to think of him or his words! Remember, your husband is a monster, a ugly beast, a dirty old man! This is what you should believe!" She said to her reflection in the mirror while spanking her already red face.

Then an arrogant good-looking smirking face popped up and said.

"Wait for it..."

Lena's eyes widened and she took a step back. Was she hypnotized?