His Inner Demon.


He wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her closer to himself. In another second, he was sitting on the bed and she was sitting on his lap. Everything happened within a twinkle of an eye. She gasped, her eyes widened, and her entire body stiffened. She was sitting on his lap!

"W-what are you doing?!" She wanted to yell and curse at him but her voice came out as a noiseless whisper. She was even shocked at how tiny and low her voice sounded. That wasn't her, right?

As much as he wanted to stop himself, Alexandro did not see the reason why he could not tease her. He wanted to tease her badly until she agreed to be his fully. He raised his hand and ran a finger along the side of her face, he stroked her jawline gently while his other hand pinched her tiny waist. Her hair was still slightly damp and it left a trail of water running down from her neck to her shoulder blades.

"You are beautiful... Mine" he murmured against the crook of her neck sending an unavoidable tinge zap through her body. This closeness made her feel as though she was electrocuted. There was no way that she could move her frozen body for the fear of getting her towel loose. She, in fear, held tightly on the knot of the towel and her eyes fixed on the man. She tried to keep her mind away from the fact that her legs were as well exposed, she could only keep her thigh pressed together while her face flushed up to her ears. Her body generated an extremely hot temperature that felt as though would burn her. She finally understood that this man, her husband was scarier than a monster!

Naturally, he did not know what went through in her heart, and neither did he realize how stiff she had become for fear of him. He was more concerned about the hot meal before him that he had to resist. He wondered what was going to happen if he simply pushed her into the bed and see what wonderful creation was underneath the white towel... She would probably hate him, right?

He slightly tightened his fingers around her waist applying a little pressure and unknowingly, her body did a small jump. The small movement of her body nearly made him crazy, her body collided with his and rekindled the blazing inferno that engulfed him which he was doing his best to suppress. A kind of heat pooled in his lower abdomen and rushed to a certain area he would prefer not to mention... He grind his teeth but did not push her away. His mind was a mess, should give in to temptation? Should he not?

Perhaps, he could try and see what it would feel like...

Alexandro raised his head and brought his face closer to her, his uneven breath hitched against her creamy skin causing her to shiver. Whether it was from the cold of her after-bath or from something else but this closeness, made her breath stop.

"A-alex... Alexandro—" she voiced worriedly and arched her neck back. But the man did not seem to have heard her. No, it was more like this, his name on her lips only fueled his burning desires.

Lena was slightly scared, she could not help but wonder if the man was really going to do anything to her. Doing it was not the problem but, she could not do it with him! She wanted to run, run away from him as far as her legs could take her. She feared the hungry expression in his dark orbs, it was as though she was a prey that he would eventually feast on to his heart's content. She did not want this!

Lena arched her neck back until her muscles hurt and she could no longer bear to, the man's face came closer, his hit breath scattered all over her face. He was just an inches away from capturing her lips and letting all hell loose, if he moved a little closer... he will seal this deal, eat this meal...

Lena felt the distance would close soon, she instinctively stuck her arms forward and placed them on his chest giving his rock-hard chest a little tug. Her cheeks burned with a lambent crimson shade while her eyes were shut securely. Perhaps, she did not want to see his wolfish gaze.

Then everything stopped, her breathing and his breathing all together but, it was not what was expected to happen that did happen. Alexandro came back to himself, the thick dark fog blinding his eyes previously cleared and he could see properly. Although her eyes were closed, her brows were knitted and her nose flared in anger and anxiety. Fear carved in the edges of her face and he could see it all.

"You can open your eyes now, wifey..." he uttered in amusement but deep down, he was disappointed in himself. He almost let loose his inner demon. He had almost let her see the animalistic side of him which he did not want. All he wanted to show her was love and care... she did not need to see his other side and run away from him. He released her waist and ball his fingers into a tight fist. He had to remain reasonable to keep her.

Lena snapped out the moment and jumped out of his lap, she glared angrily at him while maintaining a safe distance from him. Alexandro could tell that her guard around him has been raised again, even twice the previous time. "You— what the hell were you trying to do?!" she snapped.

"What husband and wife should do?" he raised a brow as he spoke, although his earlier actions were unreasonable, he always derived joy in teasing her.

"You—you!" Hmph! She was speechless, what nonsensical thing was he uttering. As if she would ever agree to be his wife. He had better not have designs on her. This marriage is just a facade in the first place. It is not real, not real! Lena reminded herself.

"That is enough, don't get riled up. I won't do anything to you tonight and of course, I am a very patient man. You can dress now, I will go take a bath and join you later," he spoke as though every one of his words was reasonable and righteous. And yes, the bath was necessary, a cold bath.

"Hmph! Just go away, I don't want to see your face!" Lena uttered as soon as he entered the bathroom in the room. Although she was surprised he was sharing the bathroom with her but she did not stop him, as far as he did not do anything indecent. When she was sure that he was out of view, she hurriedly wore her nightgown and dried her hair. That horrible man almost made her catch a cold. Although at the same time, she felt warm and fuzzy inside her too...

She erased unwanted thoughts and climbed into the bed. Tomorrow is Monday, was her hope of returning to school unattainable? She thought she was going to ask the man but he was always full of surprises, how could she talk to him?! If only she could sneak out of the castle...

"To hell with this damned marriage! To hell with you, Alexandro!" She grunted and threw her head back into the soft pillow. How annoying!