Kiss me.

Lena buried her head in the soft pillow and wept silently. Okay, she was not crying or anything.

The man in the bathroom had his cold shower that lasted for about fifteen minutes before he decided to walk out of the bathroom. He had a towel tied to his waist and his chest was wet and exposed. The thought of having his wife see him that way made a deep smirk carve on his face. She would be seduced by this hot chest, right? Hehe...

However, to his disappointment, when he reached the room, the woman's head was buried in the pillow and she looked as if she was mumbling a curse at the pillow. He frowned, so... his act of seduction was all in vain? He snorted coldly and wiped his body before wearing his robe. Until then, the woman was yet to notice his presence. He was so furious.

He climbed onto his side of the bed and threw her a look, she was either ignoring him intentionally or she did not realize his presence in the first place. What kind of wife ignores her husband to such an extent. Alexandro sneered and turned around. He tugged the quilt away from Lena's body and wrapped his arms around her. One pull and she was already in his warm embrace. Lena who was caught unaware got another shock for the night.

"Do you have to touch me, jerk?!" she snapped and glared at him. It was so annoying that her face had to press against his chest. Her poor nose even knocked against his hard-rock chest.

"Looks like I have to remind you all the time, huh? You are my wife, mine... I can touch you as I want" Alexandro uttered with a deep smile, his eyes staring down into her eyes.

Lena's nose flared up in anger, her brows sharpened as though they were an unsheathed sword and her eyes flashed a sharp glint.

"You dare!"

Alexandro said nothing, he simply lowered his arm and brought it to lay on her tiny waist, he pinched it gently before pulling her closer and merging her body together with his. Lena was so floored by this stunt of his, that she pressed her palm against his chest to keep them apart by a bit.

"Alexandro!" She yelled with a flushed face.

A deep masculine chuckle erupted from his chest and he sent her a cocky wink. Lena became even more furious and her glare intensified. No matter how hard she tried, she could not get him away from her body. The man was becoming extremely clingy and it is more annoying that they were only married for two days. She could not even imagine what would become of her in the next few times she will spend with him.

"The sound of my name on your lips... really turns me on..." he said with an intentional drawl.

"You—" Lena pushed with all her energy and got away from him. Alexandro laughed as he watched her escape from him like a little scaredy-cat. His face was filled with smugness.

"Jerk!" She cursed at him.

Ah. My wife is so cute, eh...

"Didn't you have something you talk to me about?" Alexandro queried with a raised brow, he thought he had teased her enough for the night.

Lena threw him a look, she wanted to ignore him and just fall asleep but she really had something to discuss with him. She knitted her brows slightly and wondered how the man found out about this. Whatever, she cannot care about how he knew, it was better if she asked him about it now.

"I want to go back to school" she got straight to the point.

"Oh... to fulfill your life goals? You want me to release you to go ahead with your plans of keeping a harem of a thousand good-looking men?" Alexandro arched a brow.

"It is not like that!" Lena uttered with gritted teeth, so what if that was her plan, what is his deal?

"Mm, and I believe" Alexandro snorted, he sat up and rested his back against the headrest. His arms were folded across his chest while staring at him.

"I really want to go back to school" Lena voiced, the man sneered childishly and turned his face away from her. Argh! Why does he have to be so difficult now?

Lena gathered her momentum and took a deep breath, she crawled closer to him and pressed her palm together. She batted her lashes and wet her lips.

"Alexandro..." she called but the man made a throaty sound and ignore her. She rolled her eyes but did not give up. She called his name a few more times but he refused to answer her. She was almost losing her head from not knowing how to make the man pay attention to her. What if she... Hmph! Such a stupid idea, but...

"Hubby?" She uttered in a sweet soft voice that carried a kind of feminine gentleness. As if he was controlled, the man turned to her immediately. His serious eyes watched over her face and he opened his mouth to say,

"Say that again" he commanded in a low deep voice.

"Hubby..." She repeated subconsciously, her act was almost becoming the real thing as her emerald green eyes watered slightly that light gleamed in them. She knelt beside him and clashed her palm together making her really look like a wife who was seeking her husband's favor.

"My wife" Alexandro voiced, he could not help but run his fingers along her face in a delicate manner.

"Let me go back to school, huh? It's been so long already and I... I want to go back. If I don't go back, my dreams and aspirations will be really lost. I will end up becoming a useless person... a useless wife—" she muttered and lowered her head, her lashes fluttered as though they were wings of a butterfly.

Alexandro was about to respond when he suddenly paused. This woman— is she using a honey trap on me just now? The man smirked, he almost fell for her trap but he would definitely make her play in his own way. Hehe...

"What do I do, wifey... How can I bear to let you go?" Alexandro looked as though he was in deep thoughts, his slender finger purposely curled up strands of her hair and played with them. Lena looked at him with her gleaming eyes, of course, she thought he had fallen for her pitiful look. She smiled inwardly, very pleased with her acting skills.

"Can't you just let me go?" She pouted and pleaded.

"Of course, I can..." Alexandro uttered with a hint of hesitation. His lips lifted and his eyes twinkled with deep smiles. His one-sided dimple was evident at that time, looking very deep and sexy on his face. Lena threw his charming look at the back of her mind, she cannot allow herself to be seduced by him, she needed to make him agree to her request!

"How about this, wifey... I will agree but, you have to..." He made a pause, fixed his gaze on her, and held her eyes in his. Then, he opened his mouth again and said,

"Kiss me!"