
"She left?" Alexandro queried, he did not lift his head from the documents that he glanced through.

"Yes," Butler Luther uttered with a small bow, he caught sight of his master's finger tightening around the paper until the edges were ripped off.

"But, Madam took her bodyguards with her" he quickly added.

"She did?" He looked up abruptly and arched a brow.

"Yes," once again he answered.

"Did I ask you? Why are you telling me this?" The man returned his gaze to the document before him but his eyes softened after he heard that. The old butler smiled subtly, towards the madam, the man was such a softie. He was not even able to hold his anger for long and was already pacified.

"Anything else?" Alexandro questioned when he saw that the butler was still standing before him and was not speaking.

"Yes sir," Butler Luther answered politely.

"Speak!" Alexandro threw a look at the butler, raised his brows, and instructed.

"Master, you don't have to worry about madam, with Lucian and Kai around, she will be protected," Butler Luther muttered.

Alexandro arched a brow, "this is what you have to say?"

"Ah... no, I just—" The butler was stunned speechless.

"Nevermind Luther, I know if my wife is protected more than anyone else, you do not have to worry about this little thing" Alexandro interrupted the butler.

Sigh. Master is always right, I worry for nothing. The butler thought.

"I understand," Butler Luther voiced. After a while, he opened his mouth to speak again. "Master, our men brought news about the healer last night"

"Why are you just reporting this to me now?" Alexandro dropped the document in his hand and he looked at the butler with a questioning gaze.

Master, I wanted to report this to you but you were too busy last night pleasing your wife, alright— The butler thought in his heart but instead of saying this out, he simply lowered his head and said,

"I am sorry Master, this servant was negligent in his duty"

"Good thing that you know. Now, report" he ordered coldly.

"The men said that the news about the healer that was released by the Queen and the second prince has been subdued by a force. The men explained that the force behind the suppression of the news is unknown, it was as if that force that suddenly came up did not want anyone to dig up further information about the awakening of the healer's soul. Whether the person that subdued the news of the healer is a friend or foe is yet to be known" the butler enunciated.

"A force suppressing the news about the healer? Interesting..." Alexandro muttered, an amused smile crept up to his face and he drummed his fingers on the desk rhythmically. "What do you think about this, Luther?" He queried with an arched brow.

"Actually, master... I personally think it is rather a good thing to suppress the news about the healer. The fact that the Queen let out the news that a new healer's soul had been awakened already caused so much havoc in the organizations. The miniature peace that the world is experiencing now is bound to come to an end soon because of the desperate attitude of each faction to find the healer. This is not even going to be about them coming out in forces to find the healer but even the humans will be turned against each other to dig out whatsoever they know about the healer for little gains. Since that person suppressed the news, it is really good. While those groups are calm and unable to find the healer, we can quicken our search for her and must find her first" Butler Luther asserted.

"Mm, what if that person is suppressing the news for his own gain? Do you think that person or force also knows about the benefits of having the healer and wants her? What if it is a greater force that we have never heard of...?"

"Master, ah..." Butler Luther opened his mouth but after thinking of his master's words, he could only agree. In this world, the trait common to all creatures is greed. How nice can a person suppressing the news of the healer be? He did not think this far before. Even still, if they were able to find the healer, it would be beneficial to them. After she had healed the master of his curse and resolved the entanglement of his soul with dark energy, they would let her go.

"About this matter, what is the reaction of evil organization?" Alexandro queried seriously. Since his quest on finding the healer began, the werewolves, vampires, and witches were not his problem since he could easily defeat them but the evil organization... They were hidden too deep that he could not find means to conquer them. They were also really strong rivals.

"Surprisingly master, the evil organization had laid low since the news had been released, they were unusually quiet and yielded to that force" the butler explained.

"They did..." Alexandro raised his brows in doubt. "This quite unlike them, Luther. What are they up to this time?" The man tapped his jaw in deep thoughts.

"Yes, it is indeed unlike them. The last time the evil organization kept quiet about something like this, they ended up destroying an entire werewolf pack in the north. As if that was not enough, they captured a lot of humans as experimental subjects and even the vampires are defenseless against them. They are cruel and vicious. No one knows the identity of that organization. I heard they are recruiting protectors from different parts of the continent now. No one can tell their thoughts"

"Mm. We should hope we don't cross part with them. Now, that the news about the healer is suppressed, I am really interested in finding her now. Just like everyone one else, I am very interested in her. Inform the men to prepare hard, in a bit, they will have to search for the healer. Not just to heal me but who knows, this prince might decide to keep her, after all, there are so many after her life..." The man voiced with a smile.

"Master, are you planning to... what about madam? Don't you love her anymore?" Butler Luther uttered with a hint of disappointment lingering in his words.

"Luther?" Alexandro uttered darkly, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Master, pardon this humble servant for his intrusion and directness, but madam is a kindhearted lady, I know that she finds it hard to understand you know but you cannot choose another woman in her place no matter who it is! You already married madam, master must learn how to love the woman he married! You cannot have a change—"

"Be quiet!" the man pronounced coldly and fixed a frigid glare at the butler.

"I only love my wife. Keep that in your mind!" He enunciated.

"Ah..." Did he misunderstand his master just now? How silly—