Back off!

"Are you hellbent on following me all the way to school?" Lena rolled her eyes at the two men that were stuck on her heels, she was disgusted at how clingy they were, just like their master. If it were not for the fact that she did not want to cause herself more trouble than she already had, she would have thrown them off her back since they left the castle. She thought she could endure the men trailing behind her but now, it felt like an eyesore.

"Madam, we ain't that bad, you just have to get used to us and that is all, hehe..." Lucian chuckled and roughened his golden hair. Kai's frigid face reflected his decision to also stick to her.

"You both are too much!" Lena complained and rubbed her forehead. If only she knew that the two guys would become uncontrollable in the end, she would have not brought them with her in the first place. Arghh! So annoying!

"Madam, you must be protected" Kai uttered seriously with an emotionless face. Lena threw him a dirty look but there was no movement on his face, it was just as if his facial muscles were frozen. If he was not handsome, she might have smacked that expressionless face of his.

"Don't call me that! Especially you, Kai" she dug her ears in irritation and voiced. Madam this, madam that— it sounds so freaking annoying to her ears.

"We are obligated to refer to you in that manner, madam" Kai responded and Lucian nodded in agreement.

"We dare not call you something else, you are married to our master after all. This makes you our most cherished Madam" Lucian said with a playful smile. Lena threw him a look and snorted. She walked forward abandoning them behind her but soon enough, they caught up with her. A lady between two good-looking young men with torn apart personalities was a sight to behold. Thankfully, she came with her identity protecting dark shades, with the dark shade glasses, it will take a while before anyone noticed her.

"Madam, I am quite curious about something... Master already has so much and can take care of you more than you can ever imagine, why on earth are you coming here?" Lucian queried, as they grew closer to the school.

"You wouldn't get it, golden head" Lena threw him a side glance and uttered with a smile before looking at the massive building before her.

"Madam, Did you... what did you call me just now?!" Lucian voiced in an aggrieved tone. He was a proudly handsome dude, he cannot bear to be called by a silly nickname like 'golden head'. Golden head? Eww... it made him cringe. His entire face crushed up in disgust.

"You should be glad I gave you a name golddy" Lena chuckled after seeing his aggrieved expression. "Kai, don't you think I gave him the right nickname?" Wanting the cold-faced fellow to join in the conversation, Lena tilted her head to the side to look at him.

Kai who seems as if he was seriously studying the environment paused for a moment, pushed his eyeglasses back, glanced at his partner, and nodded his head, "Madam is always right" he uttered and resumed his environment-surveying.

Lena pursed her lips and shook her head in disappointment while Lucian snickered. "Kai is no fun, Madam..." Lucian uttered and Lena could not agree any less, the stoic-faced guy was so-so boring.

So as not to bring unnecessary attention to herself, she had instructed her 'bodyguards' to park the car they came in at a little distance away from the school. They had to walk down to school and as she approached the gigantic gates of the school that welcomed her with open hands, Lena looked up to the sky and heaved a sigh, she never thought... that she would have a chance to ever return. This was her secure haven, the only place she found solace... most especially when she was hidden in the library, learning a new jewelry design or gem— that much peace that no place in the world could give her. For this one thing, she was grateful to the man.

While walking amid the other students, the group of three was particularly eyes catching. Two good-looking young men dressed in a black well-tailored six pieces suit, one with a flashy golden head, looking like a second-generation heir and playboy while the other looked cold even from afar, anyone would shiver at his frostiness. The way he seriously surveyed his surrounding through his double-rimmed eyeglasses was so spectacular.

Finally, the lady between the men. She appeared slender and mIght be mistaken for a weak person with her delicate structure and maturing curves. Dressed in a full-sleeved high-necked solid maroon top which she complemented with a high-waisted mini jean skirt and a low heeled ankle boots. She let her chestnut-colored waves cascade down to her waist and clipped each side of her hair with silver hair clips. Everything plus her dark shades, she looked nothing like a married woman but a single young lady.

Under the stares of people, they maneuvered their way into a hallway that contained lesser students. Lena led the men into a corner, although they had no idea of where they were going, they followed her nonetheless. After walking for a while, they finally stood in front of what seemed like an old storage room. Lena entered the room and dragged her bodyguard along with her.

"Madam, you are not planning to murder us in this place, right?" That was the first thought that popped into Lucian's mind. Thankfully, it was broad daylight, and he could scream 'bloody murder!' easily. Slightly distracted, the two young men had not noticed the extra person in the room until they heard their mistress' voice.

"Hey," Lena uttered to the person with a broad smile. But the lady casually looked up and snorted.

"Back off! I am not interested in playing your masquerade games today, Lexi!" She hissed with disgust.

Lexi? Who is Lexi? Was their madam not supposed to be called Lena? Why Lexi? Lucian and Kai exchanged looks, they were thoroughly clueless.