
"Back off! I am not interested in playing your masquerade games today, Lexi!" The lady hissed with disgust and looked away from a stunned Lena.

"Goodness, May! It's me, Lena!" Lena rolled her eyes, she removed her sunglasses and fixed her gaze on the lady in front of her.

"Haha. So funny" May uttered blankly before rolling her eyes dramatically. She ran her fingers through her purple-colored hair before folding her arms across her chest. Her face grimaced in anger.

"May?" Lena tapped the lady, she was obviously very stunned that this best friend of hers was not recognizing her despite that it was the real her.

"Lexi, just go away! I am not playing guessing games with you today. If you wish, you may dress and look exactly like my bestie but you can never be her! You can pretend to be her all you want, that takes no shit from me! You just stay away from me already! Ain't you tired, huh?" May smacked Lena's arm hard and the latter pulled back her hand.

"Ouch! That hurts, May!" Lena yelled and rubbed her arm. Seeing that the spot where May had hit her was slightly red, she glared at her best friend. But she couldn't blame her at the same time, who asked her to have a twin who loved to parade herself to be her.

Although Lucian and Kai did not understand what was going on or who the purple-headed lady was, they stepped forward with a cold expression as soon as they saw their mistress was being attacked. But before they could do anything, Lena raised her hand and motioned to them to stop. Lucian exchanged glances with Kai before they stepped back, although they still stood close to Lena.

"Lexi, I really don't like you, don't you get it?" May uttered and roughened her purple hair in frustration.

"I said— I. Am. Not. Lexi!" Lena gritted her teeth as she spoke. She still has a score to settle with this best friend of hers and the latter was already accusing her to be who she was not.

"Yes, I believe you. But sorry, you really sound like her" she gasped in an exaggerated manner, she also wore a mocking apologetic expression. Lena could only sigh and facepalm. Life can be this hard if you have a face that looks exactly like yours.

"When winter comes and we are yet to grow boobs, we will steal a bun and hide it in our coat. In summer, when the sun is hot, we will pull out our panties and hang them on our favorite tree. When Autumn starts—"

"Stop! Who– who taught you that?!" May jumped up and blushed in embarrassment.

"Guess who?" Lena smirked and arched a brow.

"Lena will never teach you this... she knows that both of us have always been embarrassed about that poem since high school. How can it be then..." May mumbled under her breath.

Lena looked at her best friend and resisted the urge to laugh seeing how the latter pondered. She had guessed right, that poem will do the little trick. The history of that poem was dated back to their final year in high school when each student was asked to compose a meaningful poem to be read before the class the next day. Lena had written her poem and hid it in her school bag only to get to school the next day to find out that the poem was missing. On the other hand, May forgot all about the assignment as usual. They came up with a rushed plan and May offered to write a new poem that they can present together.

When it was their turn to present their poem, Lena directly read out of the piece of paper that May gave to her. As she read each line of the poem to the class, her face flushed in embarrassment. She had not expected that her best friend had written trash instead of a poem. In the end, the two of them were still punished for their failed poetry.

Lexi did not know about this poem scandal because she was in a different class so it was impossible for her to know the details of the poem only if...

"L-lena? You are really Lena?!" May's eyes widened to the size of a saucepan.

"Have I not said that before? I am really me!" Lena rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes, no other person can sound like that egoistic bestie of mine!" May bobbed her head seriously, her face flashed a delightful smile.

"I know, I know" Lena grinned and flicked her hair with an attitude. Before she knew it, the purple-headed lady flashed, and in a blink of an eye, she had jumped on Lena and embraced her tightly.

"It is really good to have you back sweetheart!" May cried and squeezed harder.

"Yes-mh, I know right-mph" Lena voiced, her best friend's tight embrace was nearly choking fresh air out of her making her words come out as a muffled sound.

Ah, it felt so good to be back! She thought as she hugged her best friend back. When last had she received so much warmth from anyone.

"I really thought you won't be coming back, bestie... that b*tch Lexi said this to everyone. Oh jeez, I am so mad right now that I want to cry—" May voiced and sniffed. She was really going to cry, out of anger.

"It is alright, I am back now, you don't have any reason to cry" Lena patted her bestie's back gently.

"Whoever said I want to cry because of you" May snorted and rolled her eyes but she hugged Lena even tighter. Her actions contradict her words. It was very obvious that she missed Lena a lot. There had even been times when she wished Lexi could be Lena for a few seconds but that was impossible. Lena was Lena, Lexi was Lexi.

"I know, I know, your eyes are teary because you are so angry. I understand you dear bestie" Lena chuckled.

"Be quiet!" May grumbled. Of course, she was not planning to accept that she was crying because Lena was back.

"As your highness pleases"

"Mmph! Whatever" May pouted.

"I know you missed me so much, May" Lena uttered with a sweet smile. This was one of the rare times that something made her happy. Her heart melted and warmth blossomed in her.

"Yeah, I really missed you" May agreed with a small sigh. There was no denying it, she really missed Lena. However playful she was, Lena still remained her one, true and only friend. Lena laughed happily after hearing May's agreement.