Beauty Kai.

The sky was slightly dark on the horizon, and the stars were almost obvious.

According to Freiya, the fight between the vampires and the werewolves had been subdued by a group sent by the higher authorities. It was safe to go home now after waiting in the shop for another two hours. She did not expect that she would take long and she knew that her father would be worried sick already. She quickened her pace and hoped to get out of the dungeon as fast as she could. Each time the memory of the gory scene she witnessed earlier crossed her mind, she shivered and walked faster.

She wrapped her worn-out leather jacket closer to her body and walked hurriedly. Truthfully, according to what Freiya had said, the place seems to have become calmer, there were no longer flying creatures or dead bodies around. Even still, May felt very scared. She did not dare to linger in the place any longer.