Dungeon Street.

"Matthew, drop me off at the next stop," May said to the chauffeur.

"Miss, it is evening already, you are not going home yet?" The man driving the car tilted his head and looked at May. She shook her head while her fingers typed on her phone.

"No," she said and looked up. "I have to go to a place. Tell my father that I went to visit a friend. I will be back before it is night" May added. She dropped her phone and opened her bag, then she brought out a make-up kit.

She powdered her face until it was slightly whiter than usual, She drew a crooked eyeliner and applied a blinding deep red blush and weird green lipstick. She returned the make-up kit into the bag and brought out a mirror to look at her face. She nodded in satisfaction at her perfect artwork. This time around, it would take a genius to recognize her with her face like this. She took a hat from her bag and donned it on her head. She also wore an old leather jacket over her shirt.